City of Stonnington, AU - Capital Investment Priorities, Points Simulator

Closed 4 Feb 2022

Opened 2 Dec 2021


The City of Stonnington in Victoria, Australia, were planning their financial budget for the year 2022/23 and wanted to take this opportunity to get their citizens involved in a period of budget planning. Aside from the typical year-on-year questions the council were interested to find out the publics priorities to help inform their 10-year capital investment program, and with a specific focus on:

  • Upkeep and upgrade of our community sporting facilitates
  • Creation of bicycle lanes and infrastructure
  • Digital transformation of Council services and programs
  • Major projects like renewal of Prahran Market and redevelopment of Prahran Town Hall

Because of this they opted to use points simulator which allowed them to display the services, resources and trade-offs that need to be considered when making decisions on financial investment moving forwards.

What happens next

The link below will take you to the City of Stonnington points Simulator. This might display a different challenge to the one described above if accessed after 4th February 2022. 

Link to City of Stonnington