Angus Council, UK - Angus Council Plan, Our Priorities

Closed 30 Sep 2021

Opened 16 Aug 2021


Angus Council in Scotland, UK publish a yearly council plan which sets out their priorities for the year ahead, and which is reviewed and refined each year to ensure it's in line with the community demands and goals.

Considering COVID-19 and aware of the unprecedented impact that the pandemic has had on the local area Angus Council wanted to ask their citizens to get involved in helping to set the priorities for 2022/23 and help to determine where the focus of time and resources should be.

Simulator help to facilitate this by presenting the challenge in an easy to participate, accessible format where participants can get involved in a deliberative priority setting challenge.  

What happens next

When this challenge is closed, you can view the original Simulator by going to - Angus Council Plan Simulator